Thursday, September 24, 2009

Photo: Warner Home Video
For class, we were asked to evaluate an obituary of a recently deceased famous individual. I chose to evaluate Patrick Swayze's obituary. We are suppossed to look for powerful evaluation arguments and I found several within his obituary. Most claims were supported with quotes from friends, or Patrick himself. It claims that he was an actor and a dancer. It also revealed that he tried to stay away from the hollywood media and rumors by living on his ranch. Most of the obituary is very factual and supported with quotes.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We had to write about what type of English we speak in English class. I speak standard English, proper English for academic and professional circumstances, and improper for a daily basis with friends. My language when writing is much more structured and in daily life it is very informal. I would never say "dude" in a paper, or during an interview. We say things like, that's straight and fresh which have a different meaning to me and my friends than to other people who might speak English also.javascript:void(0)
So, I have been completely MIA for about 2 weeks, not only from blogging, but basically from my whole life. Last week it felt like I went to sleep on Monday and woke up Thursday evening. It seems everyone on campus is sick, and I thought I had escaped the ordeal, but nope, of course not. So, I am extremely behind in everything! AH! Freak Out!